PDF⋙ The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition by Robert Kolb

The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition by Robert Kolb

The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition

The Christian Faith: A Lutheran Exposition by Robert Kolb PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

In this book, the author presents the basic teachings of the Christian faith from the Lutheran framework. This framework presents all the articles of faith in accordance with the Scriptures and also correctly distinguishes between Law and Gospel. Chapters focus on God, Creator and creation, God's provision, Sin and evil, God's Law, Person of Christ, Work of Christ, Justification, Holy Spirit and the work of conversion, Holy Scripture, God's Word, Baptism, Lord's Supper, Sanctified life, Church, Public ministry, Last things, and Heaven. Highly readable for serious Bible students, church professionals, and those preparing for church work. Can be used as an in-service teacher review.

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